Monday, April 9, 2012


We always hear about  forgiveness and redemption, especially durin g Holy Week. But I rarely gave it much thought untilI've had to apply it in my life.  A few months ago someone did a very unthinkable and awful thing, something I thought would never or at least not likely to happen. I thought the past things I went through were already enough, and I have a quota of hardships. But it did happen. And I was forced to re-think everything I thought to be true. From self worth to ideals. But I think the important thing to remember is YOU are the most important thing in your own life. No amount of wishful thinking would make a person change. Also, being a trusting person doesn't mean you would have a trustworthy person in your life. People are who they are, and no amount of being very patient and encouraging will help a person who is comfortable in who he is.  One thing for sure, forgiveness is a form of releasing the negative things that drag you down. Forgiving means being the bigger person. Forgiving means condemning the act, but not the person. Things will never be the same between two people, but you can choose to have closure. Moreso, forgiveness means being able to forgive YOURSELF too.