Monday, April 18, 2011

Visit to Pangasinan and Tarlac: How I Had the Chance to be ANGRY HONEY for a day

Once in a while the urge to go out of town hits you and you just have to go and do it.  One fine Sunday when I assigned an event to another person, my mom, dad and TJ decided to go to Our Lady of Manaoag and in Gerona, Tarlac.  First stop was for the car to be blessed and the second stop, well for reasons not to be disclosed except that it was an urgent suggestion from a feng shui master which I had the chance of working with a few months earlier.  So off we went at 5am, with TJ still in his pajamas.  At around 9am, we had breakfast somewhere near Pangasinan in one of the Jollibee stores nearby.  TJ was still sleeping so we just ordered chicken joy for him.  The usual.  At around 10am, we arrived in Our Lady of Manaoag.  There were a lot of devotees and tourists, and it made me wonder if it was really that crowded, or it was one of those times wherein people just had to pray...

Nevertheless, we made our way inside the church where mass was being held.

After the mass, we had the chance to look around the church, wherein there were a lot of people lining up to light candles and pray.  Of course, there were kids playing with the candles all around.  This time, I didn't play with the candles as I usually do with TJ during Nov1.  

Note that the boy in the pic isn't TJ, I was just testing my zoom lens = )

After the mass we went to Gerona, Tarlac at the Isdaan restaurant where the 2nd part of our "mission" was to take place.  This was our second time to try the Isdaan restaurant, and as usual, there were so many people waiting in line.  It could be the structures they had for picture taking, or it could just be the Filipino food they serve there and the singing waiters

The food was served promptly and as usual, it was good for more than 4 people.  We had fish, (of course), liempo, soup which wasn't that familiar but tasted quite good.  TJ and I then had a look around the place with my dad.  I took on the role of official photographer.  I kind of missed using my canon "looks like a small SLR but is actually just a point and shoot cam".  

This wouldn't be complete without the fish feeding.  

Later on, we went off to do what we came here for.  The "tacsiyapo".  Here, you get the unique privilege of throwing plates for fun or to release some of that frustrated anger bottled up.  Quite a healthy way to release tension and probably avoid heart attack  For a certain fee, you can choose to throw a television set, or cups, or plates (just like Angry Honey).  It was fun but certainly not for kids. 

 Really funny statue.

We capped the visit with a goat ride by TJ. hehe. = )

It was a great fun day spent with the family minus cousins and siblings.  We should do this again sometime.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun!!! I could definitely throw some plates or even a few TV's now to release some anger haha

    -Ryan Tiojanco
