Sunday, July 17, 2011

Choosing Positivity

I like teeny bopper movies.  I like movies with happy endings more than gory ones. :) And horror movies? only when the heroes don't die. I plan celebrations for a living. And for the life of me, cannot paint seriously with muted or dark colors.  I watch cartoons or read after watching the news.  I reach for the lifestyle pages more than the headlines. I chose a happy go lucky guy who reminds me of a big brown (sorry) teddy bear.  And yeah, my guilty pleasures are Camp Rock and Taylor Swift.

Maybe its because I believe we already have a dark enough place to live in.  Maybe because early in life, I faced challenges which surprisingly although made me a better person, it was no walk in the park.  Maybe I would like to live in the world where we don't actually sing in the ending, but the villains don't get away with it. 

Maybe I would like to see street children just literally that, children who play on the street, and not beg or worse sell themselves.  Where politicians really try to help out...Where Kris Aquino isn't a celebrity, or Melay was still a teacher and didn't have the worst movie in the world. Where all doctors are caring human beings who are compassionate. And  yeah maybe even unicorns exist. :)

And because this is an alternate ideal universe, I can only take a breather from these things by what I do on my spare time.  Help out in little ways, try not to have (too many) enemies, and forgive. Yes, forgive the people around you. :)

I am an extremely lucky person.  Inspite of everything, I am still living, and I still have choices.  And I choose positivity.

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