Monday, July 12, 2010

Chivalry is Not Dead

I rode the mrt earlier today. I must admit I like riding the mrt when I'm going to a far place like Mandaluyong provided that its not rush hour. Rush hour by the way brings out the beast in people. It was standing room only in the train.

I saw 2 students, girls who wore rocker type outfits.  Black fishnet stockings, dark eye make up with matching black lipstick.  Surprisingly, they  gave up their seats for an old man. The man looked sheepish and really didn't want to accept the seat at first. But you can tell from the relief in his face and his struggle to carry his bag that he was grateful.

I didn't expect that these girls would do that.  I guess it just goes to show that appearances are not at all an indication of who you are inside. Finally, I saw something today which made me believe that chivalry does exist. It may have been in the most unexpected places or people but it does exist. Thank God : )

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